As one of our patients, you have choices, rights and responsibilities.
Your Rights:
To participate in development and implementation of plan of care.
To make informed decisions regarding care.
To formulate Advance Directives.
To immediately inform your family member or choice of representative notified
of your admission and to notify your physician.
To personal privacy.
To receive care in a safe setting.
To be free of abuse or harassment.
To the confidentiality of your records.
To access information contained in clinical records within a reasonable
time frame.
To be free from restraint of any form that are not medically necessary.
To be fully informed of and to consent or refuse to participate in any
unusual, experimental or research project without compromising access
to services.
To know the names and professional status of people serving you.
To know the reasons for any proposed change in professional staff responsible for care.
To know why you are being transferred within or outside of the hospital.
To know relationship(s) of hospital to other persons or organizations participating
in the provision of care.
To information about services and any related costs (itemized when possible)
of services rendered within a reasonable time.
To be informed of the source of the hospital’s reimbursement for
services and any limitations which may be placed upon care.
To have pain treated as effectively as possible.
To receive visitors whom you designate, and cannot be restricted, limited,
or otherwise denied on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion,
sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
To forgo life sustaining treatment.
To receive education and counseling.
To be treated with dignity and respect.
To know the effectiveness, side effects, and problems of all forms of treatment.
To receive treatment regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation
or religion.
To participate in discharge planning and receive written discharge instructions.
Your Responsibilities:
To respect Wayne HealthCare policies.
To seek medical attention promptly.
To be honest about your medical history.
To follow health advice and medical instructions.
To ask about anything that you do not understand.
To treat all Wayne HealthCare personnel with respect.
To provide useful feedback about services and policies.
To notify your healthcare provider of any advanced directives.
To report any significant changes in symptoms or failure to improve.
If You Have A Complaint or Concern:
Please speak to your physician or the staff caring for you or dial “0”
on a hospital phone or call (937)548-1141 and ask for the House Supervisor
or Risk Manager.
You may also submit in writing your concerns to the Patient Satisfaction
Committee or the CEO, c/o Wayne HealthCare, 835 Sweitzer Street, Greenville,
Ohio 45331
Governmental Agency contacts - Livanta (888)524-9900; or Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid at or (800)633-4227; or Ohio Department of Health,
Provider and Consumer Services Unit at or (800)342-0553.