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Diabetes Self-Management and Support (DSMES)

Diabetes education is known as DSMES (Diabetes Self-Management and Support). DSMES gives you the knowledge, skills and support to manage your diabetes.

A diabetes care and education specialist can help you:

  • Understand exactly what diabetes is and how it affects your body.
  • Discover how diabetes medications work.
  • Identify what types of food are best for you and how to plan meals that fit your lifestyle, culture, religious beliefs and budget.
  • Learn the 7 Key Areas of Diabetes Care- healthy eating, being active, monitoring, taking medication, problem solving, healthy coping and reducing risk.
  • Cope with stress and solve problems as they arise.
  • Set and track goals to improve blood glucose.
  • Build confidence and emotional strength.
  • Practice how to fit diabetes care into all of our daily routines.
  • Find ways to get support (in person and online) from your: family, friends, community, and health care team.

For more information contact Karen Droesch at (937) 547-5750 or