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Labor & Delivery at Wayne HealthCare

Special Beginnings for Your New Baby

At Wayne HealthCare, we provide special beginnings not only for expectant mothers and their newborns, but for all the mother’s family members and loved ones. Our goal is to provide a labor and delivery experience that is seamlessly coordinated with compassionate bedside care.

Virtual Tour

Explore our exceptional birthing center from the comfort of your home! Take a virtual tour to see our modern facilities, comfortable birthing suites, and hear from a couple dedicated team members. Click the thumbnail to start your tour and discover why Wayne HealthCare is the perfect place to welcome your new addition.

Birthing Rooms

Our birthing rooms enable expectant mothers to experience labor, delivery, and recovery all in one location. The recovery period is used not only to stabilize the condition of you and your baby, but may also be used as a time for mother, father, siblings, and grandparents to become better acquainted with the new baby. After recovery, the mother may be moved to one of our postpartum rooms or stay in the Birthing Room for a 24-hour stay. Either way, friends and family can share your experience. All our rooms are decorated to feel as much like home as possible so families can relax and enjoy the joyous occasion.

Lactation Education

The Birthing Center supports the health objectives of UNICEF and the World Health Organization to increase the incidence and duration of breastfeeding; in fact, “breast is best” is our motto. To assist our mothers in the successful facilitation of breastfeeding, a Certified Lactation Consultant is periodically available at no charge, and our nursing staff is always on-hand, bringing years of experience and training in helping mothers get their breastfeeding off to a good start.
If needed, breast pumps are available for rent or sale at area retailers—please see a nurse for details.

Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes

The Special Beginnings classes at Wayne HealthCare are a wonderful way for new or experienced parents to learn more about ways to care for their newborn. Classes fill quickly, so please register at least 12 to 16 weeks before your due date.

Classes are led by registered nurses from the Special Beginnings Birth Center. All classes are free to mothers who choose to deliver at Wayne HealthCare. Childbirth classes are $50 and Breastfeeding classes are $10 for mothers who choose to deliver elsewhere. Call (937) 547-5755 to register for classes.

2024 Special Beginnings Classes Schedule


Kids in Safety Seats (KISS) makes sense for many reasons, including that state law requires all babies be restrained in a car seat. Wayne HealthCare volunteers will visit new moms to explain the hospital's car seat program. Safety seats are available through Special Beginnings for a small fee. The seats can later be returned to the hospital for a partial refund.

Your Admission

A registration form is available from your physician's office, in your childbirth education classes, or from the Hospital's Registration Department in the main lobby.

Financial Arrangements

If you are uninsured and choose to prepay for your hospital stay, Wayne HealthCare offers you a special Birthing Suite fee. To qualify for the special fee, you and your baby must have an uncomplicated labor, delivery, and post-delivery course. You must have your physician's approval for discharge at 24 hours after delivery. If you deliver between 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., you may remain past 24 hours, until 9:00 a.m., without incurring additional charges.

Two items not included in the package fee, which may be ordered by your physician, are the Rubella vaccine (measles) and RhoGAM, which is given to mothers who have Rh-negative blood and have Rh-positive babies.

If you or your baby develops complications and need to stay longer than 24 hours after delivery, you will be billed for actual services received.

Payment in full upon discharge is necessary to qualify for the special fee. You may wish to do this in one payment or participate in the hospital's prepayment plan. For information regarding this, contact the Billing Department at (937) 548-1141, Ext. 5770. Please inform the registration clerk at the time you register that you are planning on a 24-hour discharge and are using the package fee option.

Insured patients can prevent unpleasant surprises by asking questions about financial matters ahead of time. If you are insured, please contact your employer and/or insurer regarding specific requirements. Some insurers require notification before your admission, and many will pay for only a limited stay.

You can contact Wayne HealthCare’s Patient Accounts Department at (937) 548-1141, Ext. 5770