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Employee Of The Month: Lisa Trittschuh

lisa trittschuh


NAME: Lisa Trittschuh

DEPARTMENT: Registration


SPECIAL EXPERIENCE OR FAVORITE MOMENT AT WAYNE HEALTHCARE: A patient came in for an appointment, and her son was with her, but he had to leave to go park the car. Rather than have the patient wait, I asked her if I could help her check-in. I walked with her to the diagnostics' window to check-in, and she kept thanking me for helping her.

FAMILY: Husband - Scott

HOBBIES: I enjoy collecting Darke and Preble County memorabilia, and I also enjoy sports.

REASON SELECTED FOR EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: Lisa goes above and beyond to make sure our team gets the job done. She exemplifies the meaning of teamwork. Not only does she help patients, directing them to where they need to go in the hospital, but she's always helping her coworkers. If there's ever a time when we're short-staffed, or in a stressful situation, Lisa jumps in to help without ever needing to be asked. She goes out of her way to help all of her colleagues. She truly exceeds expectations. What's more, Lisa's a sweet and considerate person inside work and out! She is an asset to our department. She listens to the patients and does everything she can to make sure they get what they need. Lisa is a well-deserved nomination!

SUBMITTED BY: A Registration staff member

VALUES DEMONSTRATED: Positive Attitude and Teamwork