Employee Of The Month: Amber Mead

amber mead


NAME: Amber Mead

DEPARTMENT: Central Scheduling


SPECIAL EXPERIENCE OR FAVORITE MOMENT AT WAYNE HEALTHCARE: Every experience is special to me. I enjoy coming to work every day and taking on the different tasks and obstacles given to me. We have such a great team that supports one another. We all come together to get the job done.

FAMILY: I am happily engaged to my best friend, Kaleb and we have an amazing seven year-old son, Bentley.

HOBBIES: I enjoy spending time with my wonderful family and making frequent trips to Hobby Lobby. I enjoy crafting and making memories with my family and friends.

REASON SELECTED FOR EOM: Amber is a caring and kind person. She will go out of her way to make sure the patient is taken care of. For example: a patient came to her window upset that she needed a test done but had no clue what to do. Amber took the patient’s info down and had her take a seat so she could find out what needed done. After calling the physician and our tech, she called the lady back up to window. The patient was able to get her testing done while at the hospital. The patient was so excited and kept thanking Amber for getting things done for her in a timely manner. We need more caring people like Amber on our team.

VALUES DEMONSTRATED: Compassion, Kindness and Teamwork