Employee Of The Month: Tim Mitchell
- Category: Employee Engagement
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NAME: Tim Mitchell
DEPARTMENT: Plant Services
SPECIAL EXPERIENCE OR FAVORITE MOMENT AT WAYNE HEALTHCARE: The best time at Wayne HealthCare was when I was hired and working with Jeff Subler.
FAMILY: Married to my wife, Collette for 39 years. We have 2 sons, 6 grandchildren and one great grandson.
HOBBIES: Enjoy gardening and working in my greenhouse. I also like fixing things and helping other people.
REASON SELECTED FOR EOM: On February 20th, late afternoon, some floor drains on the first floor started backing up. It was quickly realized that there was a major issue and Tim was called at Home to see if he could help. Tim came in right away and quickly made the decision to relieve pressure on the drains by removing the plug in nearby basement. This averted a MAJOR flooding of the first floor, south end of the hospital. However it moved the back-up to the basement and the next couple of hours Tim was in ankle deep black-water working on eeling the drain multiple times. Eventually on the third attempt and 130 feet of eel line, the clog was cleared. Tim worked extremely hard during this event and did not complain that he was called in to help! His work kept the hospital from having a very large problem. GREAT WORK TIM!!!!
VALUES DEMONSTRATED: Dedication and Teamwork