Employee Of The Month: Cheryl Gehret
- Category: Employee Engagement
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NAME: Cheryl Gehret
DEPARTMENT: Lifestyle Enhancement Center
SPECIAL EXPERIENCE OR FAVORITE MOMENT AT WAYNE HEALTHCARE: Quite a few years ago, I was given report on a cantankerous and discontented fellow we will call Mr. C. The report went something like: 48 hours ago Mr. C was experiencing nausea and vomiting; unfortunately the night shift nursing assistant emptied the emesis basin into the commode and flushed. Unfortunately she was not aware that Mr. C’s dentures were also in the emesis basin from his vomiting episode. Therefore, Mr. C had his teeth flushed. Administration had informed Mr. C that they would be responsible and pay for new dentures. Unfortunately, Mr. C remained very dissatisfied and no one had been able to console Mr. C. Upon entering the room for his morning assessment, I was not having any luck soothing or redirecting Mr. C to another topic. Mr. C kept stating how dim-witted the person was who flushed his teeth, at this point I said well it is a hospital toilet, would you really want your dentures back? From that point forward Mr. C was very satisfied with the resolution of getting new dentures made and his personality was then extremely pleasant.
FAMILY: Husband Tony, Two Children: Gage (15) and Dustin (25) Dustin is married to Shanna and they have three children, Amelia (4), Evie (3) and Sam (1)
HOBBIES: Garden, Reading, Sewing, and spending time with family!
Among several duties, Cheryl makes follow-up phone calls to high risk patients who have been discharged from the hospital. She has built trusted relationships with these patients and has kept in contact with some of them for over 2 years. Her approach is gentle and compassionate and very knowledgeable. Her follow-up extents beyond the walls of the hospital. Cheryl asks the right questions and gets deeper answers to issues the patients are experiencing. Great Job Cheryl!
VALUES DEMONSTRATED: Teamwork, Leadership and Compassion